Route one connects between Tokyo and Osaka. Route two connects between Osaka and Kitakyushu. The coastal cities located on the north side of the Inland Sea belong to zones around Route 2. This photograph shows a traffic sign on the Route 2. The names of three major cities are on the board. Himeji city is famous for Himeji-jou castle. Kobe city was hit by big earthquake in 1995 and recovered from the damage of the earthquake. Okayama city occupies an important position in railway transportations. From a viewpoint of tourism, Kobe is an independent tourist destination solely, though included in the Inland Sea zones. Himeji too. Meanwhile, we should not require Okayama to be like Kobe or Himeji. Strategically, Okayama should not be a tourist resort but play important roles as a Hub supporting the Inland Sea area.
I would like to express my sincere condolence to the earthquake victims in Italy.